“For this is what the high and lofty one says—He who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and lofty place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.’” -Isaiah 57: 15
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” –Matthew 5: 4
“’Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked.‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ He replied. ‘Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.’” –Acts 9: 5-6
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” -Hebrews 13: 8
During the course of memory healing, we often ask the prayer recipient to inquire what the “child” part needs from the “adult”. The adult sufferer may simply sense what the child wants, or may audibly ask the child and receive an answer. As the exchange proceeds, it becomes clear whether the child will trust and reconcile with the adult.
It sometimes helps if the adult presently involved in heart healing confesses to the inner child judgment and rejection of her, and expresses the desire for connection and ongoing relationship. When the child forgives the adult, shame can be healed and the memory can be defused of its continuing negative influence.
The journey to memory healing or closure takes countless forms, depending on the specifics of each encounter. After shame has been addressed, we may ask the wounded person to articulate what she needs from Jesus. For example, sometimes we request that God merge the child with the adult. In other instances, we have asked that He remain with the child, protecting and nurturing that vulnerable part until blending of the child and the adult can take place.
Still another approach is to invite Christ into a memory. He may do almost anything: take the young person on a walk through the woods; play with her; show her something; or teach by example. The possibilities are endless and always unique to each individual. We encourage the prayer recipient to feel free interacting with Christ in the context of the memory, getting to know Him as a loving friend. Without promoting a formula, here are some hypothetical approaches to this part of the ministry:
First, ask the sufferer if she is willing now for Jesus to enter the memory. If the answer is yes, the counselor prays aloud something like this: “Lord Jesus, you were there with (person’s name) when this happened. I ask You to enter this memory, however needed, so she knows You are there.” To the person: “Please let us know when you believe Jesus is present in the memory.”
Prayer Recipient: Answers are never the same. For example, “I don’t see Jesus, but I know He’s there”; or “Jesus is standing next to the little girl, waiting for her to tell Him what I need”; or “Jesus is taking the hand of the child and bringing her over for me to hug”; or “The little one is running to Jesus and He is picking her up and holding her in His arms”; or “Jesus is taking the young girl to a beautiful field of flowers and they are dancing”.
If the person does not sense Christ in the memory, we simply pray for God’s blessing and protection, then come back to the here and now.
We sometimes ask: “What do you need from Jesus now?” (We do not suggest to the individual what Jesus is to do.)
Recipient: “I need Him to ____________.”
“Then go ahead and ask for what you need.” Person speaks request.
Long silence usually ensues.
Counselor: “Take as long as you want, and let us know when you are finished.” (Sometimes after waiting a while, we ask, “What’s going on?” or “Is anything happening?”) We continue to pray very quietly throughout this time.
Recipient: Often the person will report some amazing and delightful encounter with Jesus, seen with the eyes of the heart.
When the episode is over, sufferer and counselor thank Jesus for what He has done. We ask that He continue His work in the individual’s life.
We do believe that the Lord is able to heal memories and bring integration to personality and identity. Because God exists outside of time, His healing can come present in what we know as past. The content of the wounding events is not changed, but their power to harm the sufferer’s life today is broken. In a way, the memories are “sealed in His love”, as the pain is relinquished to Him.